Olga Gorelik
Piano Studio
My teaching philosophy
I most enjoy working with students who are curious, quirky, and enthusiastic about learning. What makes teaching both challenging and fascinating for me is that each student is unique and will hear, interpret, and express music differently. Through my teaching experience, I’ve found that one can begin studying music and piano at any age.
Similar to academic fields, learning the art of playing the piano requires dedication, patience, and discipline, and I enjoy seeing students who thrive in music succeed in so many other endeavors. I believe that one-on-one piano lessons can develop not only a mastery of the instrument, but many other generalizable skills that are conducive to a successful academic and artistic future.
As a pedagogue, I strive to build a solid foundation and develop in each pianist a set of skills necessary to feel free at the keyboard and to be able to express oneself through music. Educating and inspiring those who will be the future of our classical music audiences is one of the most valuable and fulfilling parts of my job.
I look forward to the privilege of becoming part of Phoenix culture.
Enrollment and lesson time are subject to availability